2 Years
Test & Personal Interview
The Real Estate sector in India has witnessed a paradigm shift. Real estate contributes approximately 7% to India’s GDP and is projected to reach 15% and touch a market size of $1 trillion by 2030. With the renewed regulations and incentive schemes, India is moving towards a mature real estate market. With the sector spreading its wings across India’s urban and rural landscape and the government taking several initiatives to strengthen the real estate and infrastructure sectors, the demand for adept real estate professionals has never been so high. At the intersection of entrepreneurship and family business education, the MBA Real Estate Management programme fosters an entrepreneurial mindset, encourages innovation in real estate ventures, and prepares professionals to tackle infrastructure, housing, and commercial development challenges. The MBA Real Estate Management programme also won the Golden Pillar Real Estate Awards of CREDAI MCHI in the Real Estate Educators and Trainers category.
The Real Estate Sector in India is evolving. With its dynamic curriculum, the MBA in Real Estate Management allows its participants to stay updated with the best international practices. The school provides access to a strategic mix of industry experts and in-house faculties across the domains of real estate, finance, marketing, operations, strategy, technology management, civil, mechanical, electrical, and other management and engineering disciplines, which are essential to gaining holistic knowledge. The curricula are developed in collaboration with industry leaders from various subdomains of real estate. Guest sessions by industry experts and academic leaders enhance the learning experiences of our students and form an integral part of the program. The course aids the students in taking up entrepreneurial initiatives and building careers not only in the real estate sector but also in areas/industries that are enablers of real estate, such as financial institutions, architectural firms, legal firms, valuation companies, international consultants, etc.
Along with classroom studies, the students work with organizations on live projects to understand multiple aspects and stages of several real estate asset classes embedded throughout the six trimesters. The overseas study tour, a part of the curriculum, aims at enhancing learning and understanding from international perspectives, giving them exposure to the world-class developments in the sector, exposure to mega projects, sales and marketing, design and execution, operations, etc. of multiple scales, latest technological advancements such as 3-D printed buildings, smart cities to name a few.
Distinguished faculty from industry and academia would facilitate the learning experience with a proper blend of traditional and experiential learning. Students will be engaged in discussions and in-class exercises based on pre-circulated published papers, case studies and small caselets with complex problems drawn from critical issues faced by industries. Case studies from the HBSP Case Library for management subjects and live cases with the organisations’ permission would be discussed for understanding and analytically evaluating various challenges and issues that organizations face and how they resolve them.
Students will also be exposed to management films and lectures of renowned professors and world class consultants/practitioners. Some of the classes will be conducted in a workshop mode for bringing in application orientation. Students will also benefit by working on assigned live field projects, research-based as well as clinical mode projects and collective/shared learning from writing papers and short presentations on assigned projects covering the course content. The students will also benefit from technology-driven learning by going through hands-on training on prop-tech modules, financial modelling, project management and other relevant software etc.
Students have a two-month summer internship with organizations during the months of May and June. During the course work, the students also engage in several live projects geared towards understanding the nuances of the sector. The first two terms the students work with organizations on projects which helps them develop a deeper understanding of micro markets; in the third term they work on understanding projects and operation managements by visiting project sites of different types and scales; in the fourth and fifth term they work on financing and in the sixth term they work on their area of interest.