The Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering department of Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering under NMIMS deemed to be University, Mumbai, offers a graduation course in engineering. The students mandatorily complete subjects such as Digital Communication techniques, Information Theory, Electronic Design, and High-frequency Techniques. Further, the students are given an opportunity to choose from various option modules in the fields of application such as IoT, Embedded Systems, Networking, Communication, Control Systems, Microwave and Antenna, Basic Electronics, and Signal & Image Processing.



To build a strong teaching and research environment that caters to the needs of fast growing telecommunication domain.


Provide internationally recognized leaders in Electronics and Telecommunication, through a continuously improving educational programme incorporating applied engineering aspects.

Create the knowledge of fundamental principles and innovative technologies through research in the area of Electronics and Telecommunication and hence teach the students the necessary research skills that satisfy the needs of the growing economy.

The department offers various Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering programmes.

The Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering department has qualified faculty members.

At the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Research is an integral part of academic activity carried out within undergraduate and post-graduate programmes. Research has always been emphasized and encouraged by faculty and students to innovate quality research in an emerging area.

The Department is committed to maintaining the highest standards of rigor and Integrity in the conduct of its research.

The Department’s research strategy and review committee is responsible for establishing and reviewing policy guidelines for the proper conduct of research, including regularly reviewing and updating this code to ensure it takes into account current guidelines and relevant suggestions.

The faculty, students, and collaborators all share in the responsibility for promoting and verifying good practice and creating an ethos of professionalism and integrity in the Department’s research culture.

The research philosophy is to progress from inter-departmental collaboration, to inter-institutional partnerships at national and international levels. The scope and scale of research have substantially evolved from the era of student projects to interdisciplinary research programmes at the state and national level.

The main objective of promoting research is to strengthen teaching, learning & independent thinking and eventually contribute to the welfare of society – a process vital and important in the shaping of an academic institution.

Research Guides in the Department

  1. Dr. Alka Mahajan
  2. Dr. Manoj Sankhe
  3. Dr. Vaishali Kulkarni
  4. Dr. Archana Bhise
  5. Dr. Avinash More
  6. Dr. Manjusha Joshi
  7. Dr. Ushma Ahuja

Major research projects undertaken by the department:

  1. Kashyap Joshi has been granted Rs 60 Lakhs for the research project on Designing and developing A Robotic Intubation System by ICMR. The Project is in collaboration with AIIMs.
  2. Manoj Sankhe and Prof. Tazeen Sheikh are working on the Research Project, Wearable Microwave Antenna Array for Breast Tumor. The project is in collaboration with SAMEER IIT Bombay.
  3. Manoj Sankhe and Prof. Punit Ratnani are working on the Research Project, Designing analog gradient power supply for ingenious MRI machine. The project is in collaboration with SAMEER IIT Bombay.
  4. Sonal Parmar is working on the Research Project, Analyzing impact of Ionospheric Scintillation effects on ionospheric TEC using IRNSS signals. The project is in collaboration with ISRO for IRNSS Navigation, Receiver Field Trial and Data Collection.
  5. Pradeep Tiwari is working on the Research Project, Multimodal Emotion recognition from speech and facial features. The project is funded by Deity scheme, MHRD
  6. Manoj S. Sankhe has worked on the Research Project, The Analysis of Clinical Data of Brain FMRI Image for The Diagnosis of Brain Disorder. The project was Funded by Nanavati Hospital, Mumbai
  7. Manoj S. Sankhe has worked on the Research Project, Estimation of Brain Volume for Dementia Patients using MRI Data. The project was Funded by Nanavati Hospital, Mumbai.
  8. Manoj S. Sankhe has worked on the Research Project, Automated Analysis and Evaluation of Tumor Grade of Prostate Cancer using Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The project is Funded by Nanavati Hospital, Mumbai.
  9. Avinash More has received a grant of Rs. 196000 for his research project on Testbed for Optimized Discharge Curve Coverage Protocol.

Patents filed/granted by the department.

  1. S. Sankhe, “A Novel Technique for Assessment of Fetal Autonomic Nervous System Activity from Doppler Ultrasound Signal”, 2474/MUM/2015, June 29, 2015.
  2. S. Joshi, “Technique to Reduce Mutual Coupling Loss in Microstrip Antenna in 3-11 GHz Frequency Band”, 201721025373, June 2017.
  3. Sumita Nainan, Intelligent Home Automation System using RFID and Security using GSM Module and Various Sensors, Ii/PR/01504/2015

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department, MPSTME has 15 state-of-the-art laboratories. The undergraduate laboratories are located in the MPSTME building. These laboratories are utilized extensively which contribute greatly to the quality of education at the undergraduate level. Undergraduate students conduct hands-on experiments in these labs with the objective of bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Advanced Communication Lab

The Advanced Communication System Laboratory covers the design and verification of the concepts of modern communication systems that operate in the MHz-THz range. The main focus of the Advanced Communication System (ACS) Laboratory is to design next-generation wireless technologies and mobile computing systems.  The lab is equipped with a new state-of-the-art Transmitting and Receiving kit made by Lucas-Nulle (Germany).

It also has a new Antenna Technology kit along with Complex antenna system of Horn, slot, dielectric antenna etc.

Bosch Rexroth Centre

The newly set up Bosch Rexroth Centre for competence in automation has four state-of-the-art laboratories on Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Sensorics, PLCs, Robotics and Mechatronics. It has world class equipment, training kits, hardware, software and teaching aids with adequate faculties trained from Rexroth Germany. The Centre aims at training the students in the Automation field to enable them to have hands on experience and up gradation of knowledge and skills which is an essential for their smooth transition to industry. It bridges the gap between formal education and demand of the industry. It helps students in developing practical skills and molds them as successful leaders.

National Instruments LabView

LabVIEW is a graphical programming approach that helps to visualize every aspect of designed application, including hardware configuration, measurement data, and debugging. This visualization makes it simple to integrate measurement hardware from any vendor, represent complex logic on the diagram, develop data analysis algorithms, and design custom engineering user interfaces.

Department has 50 users National Instruments LabView (Version 10.0 , 32 bit) software with NI ELVIS II, NI DAQ Card and Mechatronics board for different signal measurement and analysis. LabVIEW software is ideal for any measurement or control system, and the heart of the NI design platform. Integrating all the tools that engineers and scientists need to build a wide range of applications in dramatically less time, LabVIEW is a development environment for problem-solving, accelerated productivity, and continual innovation.

Faculty - Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering